The Circle is named after missionary wife, Merrianna Burnette. She and her husband, John, were sent out by Blue Ridge Baptist Church and served on the mission field in Brazil for 25 years. John worked in Seminary, training men to become Pastors, while Merrianna worked in a school for the children of missionaries, as well as in their church's children's ministry. After leaving the mission field, John became the director of Open Door Baptist Missions until his retirement. Even after retirement, both John and Merrianna are active in missions.
And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. Acts 2:42
The Circle welcomes all ladies to meet on the third Tuesday of every month between September and May. They enjoy a Bible Study, a time of prayer and fellowship. The Circle gives gifts to those who may be going through a difficult time and need encouragement. Every Christmas, a monetary gift is sent to one or more missionary wife.